
Our stories provide information about consumer products, chemicals, or other ways the general population are exposed to hazardous chemicals or substances. Each story gives you a big picture of the issue and steps you can take to avoid certain products, chemicals, or exposures. These stories are meant to inspire, empower, and inform. Each story will be supported with evidence and provide links to sources. To make the stories consistent they will have the following structure:

  • Issue ↠ Summary of the concern

  • Solutions ↠ Personal and collective steps that will reduce concern

  • Bottom Line ↠ Important things to consider (moved to to the top for convenience)

  • Details ↠ Evidence and what the concern means

  • Progress ↠ Steps taken to reduce concern (e.g., lawsuits, regulations)

  • Questions ↠ Uncertainties that still exist about the chemical or product

  • References ↠ Sources for all evidence provided

We hope our stories leave you feeling informed and inspired.